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We handle all your individual & business tax compliances so that you worry less and focus more on your dreams

Salary or House Rent Income

1999 1399 Save ~30%

4.8/5 4.8/5

Covers income from


House property

Withdrawal from PF and bank deposits


Capital Gains Income

4999 3499 Save ~30%

4.5/5 4.5/5

Covers income from

Everything in Salary/House Rent Plan

Capital Gains from sale of stocks, mutual funds & property

Gains from Lottery, Gaming or Awards

Foreign Income

8999 6299 Save ~30%

4.8/5 4.8/5

Covers income from

Everything in Capital Gains Income Plan

Income earned outside India

Income earned in India for NRE, NRO A/c

DTAA guidance