MUTHU SHANMUGAM is a qualified mutual fund distributor with an active ARN in Ambasamudram with Pincode 627453.

The ARN of  MUTHU SHANMUGAM is 197452. ARN is Application Reference Number, a unique number given to mutual fund distributors. You can contact MUTHU SHANMUGAM by writing an email to or by visiting or sending a courier to their registered address at 26/28,RAJAJI STREET,Pathamadai,Ambasamudram. 

The validity of the mutual fund ARN is for 3 years and needs to be renewed every 3 years by going to CAMS office. 

Is their KYD(Know your distributor is verified? – Yes

Their EUIN(Employee Unique Identification Number) is E394159. EUIN is a unique unique identification number allotted to the employee/ salespersons/relationship managers of the AMFI registered distributors interacting with the investors for the sale of mutual fund schemes. It is mandatory to have an EUIN for atleast one employee in a corporate involved in mutual fund distribution business.

Basic Information of MUTHU SHANMUGAM  is as follows:

ARN 197452
Registered Address 26/28,RAJAJI STREET,Pathamadai,Ambasamudram
Registered email address
Pincode 627453
City Ambasamudram
ARN valid from 09-Feb-2022
ARN valid till 01-Aug-2025
KYC compliant Yes
EUIN E394159


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